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  •  经典与解释 洛克的政治思想

    经典与解释 洛克的政治思想 经典与解释 洛克的政治思想

    ★ 作者约翰·邓恩是“剑桥学派三剑客”之一。 ★ 《洛克的政治思想》是邓恩的成名作,也是奠定作者本人以及剑桥学派学术地位的经典之作。 ★ 本书对洛克的政治思想进行了“考古式发掘”。 ★ 正文前有中译本说明,书末附四篇书评,有助于读者更全面地深入地理解本书。 这是一项颇具独创性并得到出色论证的研究,其中心论点是:洛克的政治思想本质上是一种加尔文宗自然神学的产物。……本书不仅就学识而言博大宏阔,而且就思想来说也同样精湛深邃。 ——斯金纳(Quentin Skinner)没有任何一个想要研究洛克政治理论争议点的人能够忽视呈现在这里的材料。 ——罗宾斯(Caroline Robbins)邓恩足以成为思想史家,但作为论证的分析家却不足论。他试图将这些角色集于一身,但却写了一部既有解释力而又几乎同样引人批判的著作。 ——摩尔(Stanley Williams Moore)

    ¥54.60定价:¥78.00 (7折)


    2022-09-01 /华东师范大学出版社

  •  Elizabeth And Mary(ISBN=9780375408984)

    Elizabeth And Mary(ISBN=9780375408984)

    Jane Dunn??s Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals, Queens offers a blend of history and biography that traces the "dynamicinteraction" between two of the most powerful women in Westernhistory. Dunn remains ever aware of the uniqueness of her twocentral figures: both women ruled as divinely ordained monarchs ina male dominated power structure; and both women were from the samefamily (Elizabeth I was the granddaughter of Henry VII, and MaryQueen of Scots the great-granddaughter of King Henry). By focusing not on pure biography but instead on relationships,Dunn is able to narrow her book (still mammoth in scope) to themost salient and interesting events in the two queens?? lives. Thebook begins in 1558, the year in which Mary first wed and Elizabethassumed the throne of England. Almost immediately the cousins wereembroiled in a conflict that would endure for the remainder ofMary??s life. A restless, sexually-active Catholic, and leader ofthe Scottish people in alliance with France, Mary was ever aconduit for r



    Jane Dunn /2004-01-01 /Random House US

  •  碘缺乏病预防和控制实用指南 (美)邓 恩(Dunn,Jchn T.)等编著;朱惠民等译 中国环境科学出版社

    碘缺乏病预防和控制实用指南 (美)邓 恩(Dunn,Jchn T.)等编著;朱惠民等译 中国环境科学出版社

    ¥280.00定价:¥288.00 (9.73折)


    (美)邓 恩(DunnJchn T.)等编著;朱惠民等 /1993-01-01 /中国环境科学出版社
