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  •  【按需印刷】-偏微分方程引论 (第二版)

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    MichaelRenardyRobertC.Rogers /2017-03-17 /科学出版社

  •  扩散 马尔可夫过程和鞅·第2卷

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    2010-01-01 /世界图书出版公司

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    2010-01-01 /世界图书出版公司

  •  扩散 马尔可夫过程和鞅

    扩散 马尔可夫过程和鞅

    Long ago (or so it seems today), Chung wrote on page 196 of his book [1]:'One wonders if the present theory of stochastic processes is not still too difficult for applications.' Advances in the theory since that time have been phenomenal,but these have been acpanied by an increase in the technical difficulty of the subject so bewildering as to give a quaint charm to Chung's use of the word 'still'. Meyer writes in the preface to his definitive account of stochastic integral theory: '… il faut…un cours de six mois sur les definitions. Que peut on y faire?'I have thought up as intuitive a picture of the subject as I can, written it down at speed, and refused to be lured back by piety (or even by wit!) to cancel half a line. 'First' intuition, which is what you need when you are learning the subject, is raw, rough and ready; and, as you have guessed, I make the excuse that it demands a patible style and lack of polish.Note that I wrote 'first intuition'. Consider an example. Meyer's concept of a righ

    ¥160.00定价:¥321.00 (4.99折)


    L.C.G.Rogers, D.Williams /2003-01-01 /世界图书出版公司

  •  扩散 马尔可夫过程和鞅

    扩散 马尔可夫过程和鞅 【正品保证,进入店铺更多优惠!】

    Long ago (or so it seems today), Chung wrote on page 196 of his book [1]:'One wonders if the present theory of stochastic processes is not still too difficult for applications.' Advances in the theory since that time have been phenomenal,but these have been acpanied by an increase in the technical difficulty of the subject so bewildering as to give a quaint charm to Chung's use of the word 'still'. Meyer writes in the preface to his definitive account of stochastic integral theory: '… il faut…un cours de six mois sur les definitions. Que peut on y faire?'I have thought up as intuitive a picture of the subject as I can, written it down at speed, and refused to be lured back by piety (or even by wit!) to cancel half a line. 'First' intuition, which is what you need when you are learning the subject, is raw, rough and ready; and, as you have guessed, I make the excuse that it demands a patible style and lack of polish.Note that I wrote 'first intuition'. Consider an example. Meyer's concept of a righ

    ¥159.40定价:¥335.80 (4.75折)


    2003-01-01 /世界图书出版公司

  •  扩散 马尔可夫过程和鞅·第2卷

    扩散 马尔可夫过程和鞅·第2卷

    ¥156.00定价:¥313.00 (4.99折)


    L.C.G.Rogers,D.Williams /2010-01-01 /世界图书出版公司

  •  体验商务英语同步练习1(附MP3光盘)


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    (英)罗杰斯Rogers,J.),(英)约翰逊Johnson,C.) 编《体验商务英语》改 /2005-07-01 /高等教育出版社

  •  扩散 马尔可夫过程和鞅

    扩散 马尔可夫过程和鞅 【正品保证,进入店铺更多优惠!】

    Long ago (or so it seems today), Chung wrote on page 196 of his book [1]:'One wonders if the present theory of stochastic processes is not still too difficult for applications.' Advances in the theory since that time have been phenomenal,but these have been acpanied by an increase in the technical difficulty of the subject so bewildering as to give a quaint charm to Chung's use of the word 'still'. Meyer writes in the preface to his definitive account of stochastic integral theory: '… il faut…un cours de six mois sur les definitions. Que peut on y faire?'I have thought up as intuitive a picture of the subject as I can, written it down at speed, and refused to be lured back by piety (or even by wit!) to cancel half a line. 'First' intuition, which is what you need when you are learning the subject, is raw, rough and ready; and, as you have guessed, I make the excuse that it demands a patible style and lack of polish.Note that I wrote 'first intuition'. Consider an example. Meyer's concept of a righ

    ¥135.09定价:¥398.18 (3.4折)


    2003-01-01 /世界图书出版公司

  •  体验商务英语同步练习2(附MP3光盘)


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    ¥21.20定价:¥23.50 (9.03折)


    (英)罗杰斯Rogers,J.),(英)约翰逊Johnson,C.) 编,《体验商务英语》改 /2005-07-01 /高等教育出版社
