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  •  现货 One Lonely Fish 一条孤独的小鱼 英文原版 启蒙早教纸板绘本 9781681192017

    现货 One Lonely Fish 一条孤独的小鱼 英文原版 启蒙早教纸板绘本 9781681192017 现货图书,付款后48小时内发货!

    From School Library Journal PreS-K It all begins with one lonely little fish swimming in the vast ocean. He shouldn't worry, because he won't be alone for long. Along comes another fish. And another. But they are not looking for company. Most of the fish think they have a good dinner in front of them. Unfortunately, things don't end well for the first fish or the second or third, etc. The final fish gets the last laugh and a tasty meal. When all is said and done, the story circles back to one lonely fish swimming in the ocean. This is truly a counting story with bite. It is a fun and basic book for little ones learning to count to 10. Those not ready to discuss the food chain might not like the outcome for the smaller fish. Others will enjoy the process leading up to the end result. The images are visually appealing to young children. The fish are very different, and each is a little larger than the one before it. The reactions of the little crabs on the bottom of the ocean add to the humor and suspense. Th




    Andy Mansfield /2017-01-31 /Bloomsbury USA
