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  •  EDITH KERMIT ROOSEVELT(ISBN=9780375757686) 英文原版

    EDITH KERMIT ROOSEVELT(ISBN=9780375757686) 英文原版

    Marvelously full-blooded, engagingly written. -- Newsweek "An endlessly engrossing book, at once of historical and humanimportance... Morris's indefatigably busy camera catches everythingthat is catchable. The result is a narrative that one will want toreturn to and mull over, conscious of the hundred and one detailsthat might have been missed the first time around, and with areader's freedom to speculate that Morris admirably deniesherself." --R.W.B. Lewis, The Washington Post "Morris excels at putting Edith in her place in charge of the FirstFamily at a heady time in American history." -- Newsweek "A splendid biography... One reads on, intrigued by the characterthat emerges." -- Chicago Sun-Times "This biography represents craftsmanship of the highestorder." -- The Christian Science Monitor "A story as fascinating and well-written as a novel." -- Worcester Telegram "A superb life story enchantingly told." -- Richmond Times-Dispatch "A warmly vivid account of a refined, intelligent, and graci



    Sylvia Jukes Morris /2001-09-01 /Random House US
