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  •  The Cambridge Companion to Darwin(ISBN=9780521711845)

    The Cambridge Companion to Darwin(ISBN=9780521711845)



    Gregory Radick /2011-12-01 /Cambridge University Press

  •  Fichte: Addresses to the German Nation

    Fichte: Addresses to the German Nation

    This is the first translation of Fichte's addresses to theGerman nation for almost 100 years. The series of 14 speeches,delivered whilst Berlin was under French occupation after Prussia'sdisastrous defeat at the Battle of Jena in 1806, is widely regardedas a founding document of German nationalism, celebrated andreviled in equal measure. Fichte's account of the distinctivenessof the German people and his belief in the native superiority ofits culture helped to shape German national identity throughout thenineteenth century and beyond. With an extensive introduction thatputs Fichte's argument in its intellectual and historical context,this edition brings an important and seminal work to a modernreadership. All of the usual series features are provided,including notes for further reading, chronology, and briefbiographies of key individuals. ? Selection of key writings, with introduction, notes andchronology aimed at students ? Fichte is the second most important19th-century German political theorist


    Gregory Moore /2009-01-01 /Cambridge University Press

  •  SICKENED(ISBN=9780553381979) 英文原版

    SICKENED(ISBN=9780553381979) 英文原版



    Julie Gregory /2004-09-01 /Random House US

  •  人格理论Theories Of Personality. 5th ed

    人格理论Theories Of Personality. 5th ed

    作者简介: Jess Feist is Professor and Chair of the Psychology Depart-ment at McNeese State University, Lake Charles, Louisiana.Besides coauthoring Theories of Personality, fifth edition,with his son Greg, he has coauthored Health Psychology: An Introduction to Behavior and Health, fourth edition. He has an undergraduate degree from St. Mary of the Plains and.graduate degrees from Wichita State University and the Uni-versity of Kansas. His research interests are in the area of early childhood recollections.


    Jess FeistGregory J. Feist /2001-06-01
