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  •  投资的护城河 9787115434517

    投资的护城河 9787115434517

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9787115434517 Author 作者 [美]希瑟·布里林特(Heather Brilliant) [美]伊丽莎白·柯林斯(Elizabeth Collins) Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 254页 Publisher 出版社 人民邮电出版社 Publication Date 出版日期 2016-09-01 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 其他 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 《投资的护城河 晨星公司解密巴菲特股市投资法则》凝结了世界知名评级机构晨星公司的投资精髓,意在解读巴菲特的护城河投资理念和估值分析方法。《投资的护城河 晨星公司解密巴菲特股市投资法则》以无形资产、转换成本、网络效应、成本优势以及有效规模这五项可持续竞争优势为维度,阐述了公司基本面分析与股票估值的原则和方法,并且深度探讨了依托于经济护城河的价值投资策略及

    ¥32.00定价:¥64.00 (5折)


    [美]希瑟·布里林特Heather Brilliant) [美]伊丽莎白... /2016-09-01 /人民邮电出版社

  •  推动公益事业发展的六法则Forces for Good : The Six Practices of High-Impa

    推动公益事业发展的六法则Forces for Good : The Six Practices of High-Impa

    "Author with Valley roots help nonprofits partner with others in communities to share their missions." (Fresno Bee) "…the books strength is how well it translates business practices and philosophies." (Library Journal, Dec 15, 2007) "Cleverly chosen examples show how the best achieve their impact." (The Economist, Saturday 8th December 2007) "These are important findings, and not just for NGOs: traditional for-profit companies could probably learn a thing or two" (Economist.com, December 2007) "They found that one quality that makes great nonprofits great." (beth.typepad.com/blog, 10/30/2007) "FFG provides many more examples of stellar leadership at work…" (crosswalk.com, 10/30/2007) "Non profit organizations with budgets big and small can make a notable impact in their fields… The book, which was in its third printing before it was released Friday, identifies six practices. . ." (Washington Times, 10/29/2007) 5-Star Review: " The book does not get


    Leslie CrutchfieldHeather McLeod Grant /2007-10-01
