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  •  【全店300-80】 [现货]Juggling

    【全店300-80】 [现货]Juggling 上海中图,英文原版 进口图书

    The 30+-year-old flagship title from Klutz, Juggling for the Complete Klutz, features the world's most user-tested juggling directions. The book takes readers from the absolute beginning (Step One: The Drop) all the way to Five-Object Juggling. The instructions are friendly, humorous, and so understandable that they set a still-current industry standard for anyone-can-do-it clarity. Comes with three juggling cubes, upholstered in a plush red velour that makes every catch a pleasure. Comes With: 3 aerodynamically sound bean bags, a storage bag - Create wonderful things - Be good - Have fun




    Rimbeaux, B. C.,Cassidy, John /2014-02-01 /Klutz
