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  •  解读中国外交新理念(英)


    我们正处在一个风云变幻的时代。国际社会沧海桑田,日新月异。中国,这个崛起之中的千年古国,又一次活跃在国际舞台上,展现着大国的胸怀和担当。 《中国外交新理念》所呈现的是中国外交从宏观到微观的**理论与实践。丰富的内容,多元的视角,深入浅出的语言,让您能够通过此书勾勒出一幅中国外交的全景图,甚至能够借此揣测中国的国际战略走向。 The world never stops changing and it is under constant development. China with its history of more than 5,000 years is once again an important player in the world arena. As a major developing country in the international society, China is making its own contribution to the world. New Philosophy of Chinese Diplomacy presents the new theory and practice of Chinese diplomacy from general to details. With its rich contents, diversified perspectives and plain language, the book provides readers a panorama of Chinese



    Complied by the State Council Information Office of the PRC /2014-07-01 /五洲传播出版社
