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  •  AMERICAN, THE(ISBN=9781400095858) 英文原版

    AMERICAN, THE(ISBN=9781400095858) 英文原版

    “[An] astonishingly frank memoir of self-discovery andself-loathing.” – The Philadelphia Inquirer “Says as much about the events in Normandy in 1944 as do many ofthe far weightier texts that it can honorably sit beside.” – The Economist “What Giesbert does well in his work . . . is to instill his prosewith the haunting that forever chases the abused child, long afterthat child becomes an adult.” – Rocky Mountain News “This dark story, in the tradition of Maupassant, is a miracle:gaiety, imagination, the drive to understand, and also tenderness.. . . It has perhaps never been better show how war continues longafter its end and is spread from father to son.” – Le NouvelObservateur


    Franz-Olivier Giesbert /2007-02-01 /Random House US

  •  Le lessiveur

    Le lessiveur

    Ecrivain, journaliste, il fut directeur de la rédaction duNouvel Observateur puis du Figaro avant de diriger Le Point. Il estnotamment l'auteur de La tragédie du Président, La Souille,L'Américain et L'Immortel, le premier opus des aventures de CharlyGarlaban.


    Franz-Olivier Giesbert /2010-04-01

  •  L'immortel



    Franz-Olivier Giesbert /2011-04-01
