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  •  人体解剖学图谱

    人体解剖学图谱 长期占据亚马逊人体解剖学图谱畅销榜榜首!

    1. 经典传承,广受青睐:德国Thieme出版社是一家拥有百年历史的医学和科学出版社。原著是Thieme出版社的经典解剖图谱,一经出版就占据亚马逊 人体解剖学图谱类 畅销榜榜首! 2. 超越传统图谱:2000余幅图片、近200张表格与简洁的说明文字融为一体!编排方式独特,每2页为一个单元,详细介绍一个部位的解剖结构,配有大量关键知识总结,方便学习和记忆!概括大量 临床要点 ,提供大量影像学资料,紧密联合临床实践! 3. 是图谱,更是艺术:Thieme出版社的各系列人体解剖图谱一版再版,广受读者青睐,离不开绘图师对人体解剖的独到理解。Markus Voll和Karl Wesker两位绘图大师在作画中呈现出独具匠心的透视处理和敏锐的光影表现,使读者对每一个结构都能有准确的三维理解。既实用,又有收藏价值!

    ¥429.80定价:¥498.00 (8.64折)


    主编:Anne M. Gilroy, Brian R. MacPherson, Jamie C. Wikenheiser /2023-09-01 /上海科学技术出版社

  •  【预订】Clinical Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, and Neuroanatom

    【预订】Clinical Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, and Neuroanatom 国外库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781626234116 Author 作者 Wikenheiser Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 944页 Publisher 出版社 Thieme Medical Publishers Publication Date 出版日期 2022-11-28 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 8.500 X 11.000 IN Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 A beautifully illustrated, one-stop resource that bridges all four anatomical sciencesClinical Anatomy, Histology, Embryology and Neuroanatomy: An Integrated Textbook?by Jamie Wikenheiser bridges all four anatomical sciences in one volume with clinically focused anatomical text and exceptional illustrations. The book fills a gap in the literature, serving as a one-stop resource for multiple courses and board-review preparation, and also provides an invaluable reference for professional practice. The primary goals of integrating the four sciences into one book are to enhance students understati



    2022-11-28 /Thieme Medical Publishers
