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  •  甲骨文丛书·镇压革命:美国政府针对其公民的战争


    ★ 约翰 米尔斯海默口中的不安之书 ★ 一部关于民主制度的警世之书 ★ 深刻分析反革命的缘起和发展 ★ 揭露这个时代新的暴政形式 ★ 为抵抗反叛乱策略敲响警钟

    ¥65.60定价:¥69.00 (9.51折)

    伯纳德·E.哈考特Bernard E.Harcourt /2021-05-01 /社会科学文献出版社

  •  Better War(ISBN=9780156013093)

    Better War(ISBN=9780156013093)

    There was a moment when the United States had the Vietnam Warwrapped up, writes military historian Lewis Sorley (biographer oftwo Vietnam-era U.S. Army generals, Creighton Abrams and HaroldJohnson). "The fighting wasn't over, but the war was won," he saysin this convention-shaking book. "This achievement can probablybest be dated in late 1970." South Vietnam was ready to carry onthe battle without American ground troops and only logistical andfinancial support. Sorley says that replacing General Westmorelandwith Abrams in 1968 was the key. "The tactics changed withinfifteen minutes of Abrams's taking command," remarked one officer.Abrams switched the war aims from destruction to control; he wasless interested in counting enemy body bags than in securing SouthVietnam's villages. A Better War is unique among histories of theVietnam War in that it focuses on the second half of the conflict,roughly from Abrams's arrival to the fall of Saigon in 1975. Othervolumes, such as Stanley Karnow's Vietnam and Neil



    Houghton Mifflin Harcourt /2007-04-01 /Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
