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  •  常微分方程【正版书籍,满额减】

    常微分方程【正版书籍,满额减】 【速开发票,优质售后,支持七天无理由退货,下单前请咨询客服查看书籍情况】

    The authors book oGewShnliche Differentialgleichunge(Ordinary Differential Equations) was published i1972. The present book is based oa translatioof the latest, 6th, edition, which appeared i1996, but it also treats some important subjects that are not found there. The Germabook is widely used as a textbook for a first course iordinary differential equations. This is a rigorous course, and it contains some material that is more difficult thathat usually found ia first course textbook; such as, for example, Peanos existence theorem. It is addressed to students of mathematics, physics, and computer science and is usually takeithe third semester. Let me remark here that ithe Germasystem the student learns calculus of one variable at the gymnasium1 and begins at the university with a two-semester course oreal analysis which is usually followed by ordinary differential equations.

    ¥55.06定价:¥111.14 (4.96折)



    W.Walter /2003-06-01 /世界图书出版公司

  •  常微分方程

    常微分方程 正版书籍,满额减,电子发票

    The authors book oGewShnliche Differentialgleichunge(Ordinary Differential Equations) was published i1972. The present book is based oa translatioof the latest, 6th, edition, which appeared i1996, but it also treats some important subjects that are not found there. The Germabook is widely used as a textbook for a first course iordinary differential equations. This is a rigorous course, and it contains some material that is more difficult thathat usually found ia first course textbook; such as, for example, Peanos existence theorem. It is addressed to students of mathematics, physics, and computer science and is usually takeithe third semester. Let me remark here that ithe Germasystem the student learns calculus of one variable at the gymnasium1 and begins at the university with a two-semester course oreal analysis which is usually followed by ordinary differential equations.

    ¥54.56定价:¥110.14 (4.96折)


    W.Walter /2003-06-01 /世界图书出版公司

  •  常微分方程

    常微分方程 正版现货,可开发票

    The authors book oGewShnliche Differentialgleichunge(Ordinary Differential Equations) was published i1972. The present book is based oa translatioof the latest, 6th, edition, which appeared i1996, but it also treats some important subjects that are not found there. The Germabook is widely used as a textbook for a first course iordinary differential equations. This is a rigorous course, and it contains some material that is more difficult thathat usually found ia first course textbook; such as, for example, Peanos existence theorem. It is addressed to students of mathematics, physics, and computer science and is usually takeithe third semester. Let me remark here that ithe Germasystem the student learns calculus of one variable at the gymnasium1 and begins at the university with a two-semester course oreal analysis which is usually followed by ordinary differential equations.

    ¥68.40定价:¥137.80 (4.97折)


    2003-06-01 /世界图书出版公司

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    Walter riso /2011-04-01 /时代文艺出版社
