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  •  GREENDAYS 绿色的日子

    GREENDAYS 绿色的日子

    作者简介: Wincey Willis has spent her whole life being involved with caring for animals and the environment. She ran a wildlife hospital in County Durham, before doing animal pieces on local radio and TV in the north east of England. She then presented her own series for Granada television called WINCEY'S PETS before moving to London to work at TV-AM, presenting the weather. She has done regular animal and environmental programmes on television. She has written many articles on animals and conservation, as well as two books, It's Raining Cats and Dogs and co-written The Birdwatching Year. She is currently work-ing as a conservation volunteer involved with turtles.


    Wincey Willis /1990-12-01 /中央编译出版社
