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  •  1946-1960年的汽车Automobiles of the Chrome Age: 1946-1960

    1946-1960年的汽车Automobiles of the Chrome Age: 1946-1960

    作者简介: Michael Furman first picked up a camera as a twelve-year-old boy to photograph an orange Corvette Split Window Coupa. More than thirty years and thousands of photographs later, he has established a world-renowned career capturing some of the most famous automobiles in the world. A graduate of the Rochester Institute of Technology, Furman is classically trained in the traditions of photography and is a recognized expert in digital capture and computer-generated imagery. He is also a specialist in studio photog-raphy, employing elegant lighting and classical design to showcase the quality of these rare and beautiful machines. The author .of Abrams' Motorcars of the Classic Era, Furman has photo graphed an extensive range of automobiles,including one-of-a-kind prototypes, Grand Prixcars, antiques, and sports cars. Tehabi Books developed, designed, and produced Automobiles of the Chrome Age and has conceived and produced many award-winning books that are recognized for their strong literary


    Michael Furman /2005-12-01 /电子科技大学
