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  •  Good Night Little Rainbow Fish 彩虹鱼系列:快睡吧,彩虹鱼

    Good Night Little Rainbow Fish 彩虹鱼系列:快睡吧,彩虹鱼

    当当网自营进口儿童书由中国图书进出口(集团)总公司童书馆供货 Rainbow Fish wasn't always big enough to swim the sea by himself. He remembers when he was a Little Rainbow Fish. When Little Rainbow Fish can’t fall asleep, there’s only one thing that can help—his Mommy! Little Rainbow Fish’s mom promises to watch over him, no matter if he is in the ink cloud of an octopus, lost in the deep blue sea, or simply having a bad dream. It works. Little Rainbow Fish is soon sound asleep. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. 适合年龄: 2-6岁幼儿,亲子共读 主要获奖记录: 1993年意大利博洛尼亚国际儿童书展**童书奖 1993年英国凯特·格林纳威奖 1993年法国图书馆**图书奖 1995年美国年度畅销童书大奖 1996年美国童书协会儿童票选**图书奖 2010年美国纽约图书馆协会三苹奖 故事温馨、有趣,蕴含深刻的社会性教育意义。关注独生子女时代幼



    Marcus Pfister 【瑞士】马克斯 菲斯特 /2013-01-01 /North-South Books
