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  •  A Series of Unfortunate Events #13: The End 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险13:大结

    A Series of Unfortunate Events #13: The End 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险13:大结

    After a singularly bad beginning, the Baudelaire orphans,Violet, Klaus, and Sunny, have finally reached the end.The questionis, will Book the Thirteenth in A Series of Unfortunate Events meetthe expectations of the series' myriad fans? Snicket might put it asomewhat different way: if end simply means to cease, the answer isyes. If, however, end means to complete, the answer is mostassuredly no--because though Snicket neatly clips numerous threadsin the tragic saga, he leaves others literally fluttering in thebreeze. As with the previous books, this one begins where itspredecessor left off, with the orphans and the villainous CountOlaf afloat on dangerous open seas. When a storm blows their craftashore, kindly islanders welcome the orphans, but Olaf is anoutcast. Have the children finally found the longed-for "last safeplace on earth?" Not so fast... before long, they are once againscrambling to avert disaster and death ("Kikbucit," as Sunny putsit when a couple of characters are terminated). If possible, thi



    Lemony Snicket雷蒙·斯尼奇 /2006-10-01 /HarperCollins

  •  A Series of Unfortunate Events #4: The Miserable Mill 雷蒙·斯尼奇

    A Series of Unfortunate Events #4: The Miserable Mill 雷蒙·斯尼奇

    当当网自营进口儿童书由中国图书进出口(集团)总公司童书馆供货 Grade 4-7-This fourth book in the series about the Baudelaireorphans works fine as a stand-alone. The "poor little rich kids"lead lives filled with unhappiness, gothic horror, and melodramaticdespair. Here, the protagonists are sent to work in a lumber millin Paltryville, where they are fed only a stick of gum for lunchand are forced to perform backbreaking labor. Their enemy, CountOlaf, is not far from the scene, and will certainly utilize anydisguise to get at the siblings' inheritance. Violet, Klaus, andBaby Sunny are responsible for their own fate and, as usual, theytake matters in hand. This is for readers who appreciate thisparticular type of humor; it exaggerates the sour and makesanyone's real life seem sweet in comparison.



    Lemony Snicket雷蒙·斯尼奇 /2000-04-01 /HarperCollins

  •  A Series of Unfortunate Events #6: The Ersatz Elevator 雷蒙·斯尼

    A Series of Unfortunate Events #6: The Ersatz Elevator 雷蒙·斯尼

    Gr 4-6-The resourceful, likable, but extremely unlucky orphansViolet, Klaus, and baby Sunny continue to flee from the clutches ofthe fortune-hunting, disguise-wearing Count Olaf. Also, they needto discover the whereabouts of their kidnapped friends, Duncan andIsadora Quagmire, based on the puzzling clue "V.F.D." In Elevator,the three Baudelaires go to live in the penthouse of thetrend-following Jerome and Esme Squalor, who adopt the childrenbecause orphans are "in." Despite the Baudelaires' resourcefulness,both Olaf and the Quagmires elude the grasp of the authorities dueto the obtuseness of adults who, until it is too late, deny thatterrible things can happen. In Village, the Baudelaires travel toV.F.D., a village that adopts the orphans based on the aphorism,"it takes a village to raise a child." They uncover the whereaboutsof the Quagmires, but, as in the earlier books, they find neitherrespite nor peace from Count Olaf's machinations. Despite Snicket'sartful turning of cliches on their well-worn he



    Lemony Snicket雷蒙·斯尼奇 /2001-02-01 /HarperCollins

  •  A Series of Unfortunate Events #3: The Wide Window 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸

    A Series of Unfortunate Events #3: The Wide Window 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸

    Author Lemony Snicket (aka Daniel Handler) reads volumes threeand four of his Series of Unfortunate Events saga. A snappy, technotune by a group called the Gothic Archies serves as toe-tappingintroduction to Handler's chipper performance of his humorouslymelodramatic tales. The first two audiobooks in the series,performed by British actor Tim Curry, were released by ListeningLibrary in March. Grade 5-7-This is "Book the Third" in a series about the wealthyand clever but unfortunate Baudelaire children who were orphaned ina tragic fire. Pursued by the evil Count Olaf, who murdered theirparents and their last caregiver, 14-year-old Violet, 12-year-oldKlaus, and baby Sunny are sent to elderly Aunt Josephine, astrange, fearful widow and grammarian. She lives in a house builton precarious stilts on the side of a hill overlooking LakeLachrymose, inhabited by killer leeches. Of course, Count Olaftracks them down and, disguised as a sailboat captain, fools AuntJosephine-at least for a while. Olaf is ulti



    Lemony Snicket雷蒙·斯尼奇) 著 Michael Kupperman迈克尔·库柏曼) 绘 /2000-02-01 /HarperCollins

  •  A Series of Unfortunate Events #7: The Vile Village 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不

    A Series of Unfortunate Events #7: The Vile Village 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不

    Grade 4-6-The resourceful, likable, but extremely unluckyorphans Violet, Klaus, and baby Sunny continue to flee from theclutches of the fortune-hunting, disguise-wearing Count Olaf. Also,they need to discover the whereabouts of their kidnapped friends,Duncan and Isadora Quagmire, based on the puzzling clue "V.F.D." InElevator, the three Baudelaires go to live in the penthouse of thetrend-following Jerome and Esm? Squalor, who adopt the childrenbecause orphans are "in." Despite the Baudelaires' resourcefulness,both Olaf and the Quagmires elude the grasp of the authorities dueto the obtuseness of adults who, until it is too late, deny thatterrible things can happen. In Village, the Baudelaires travel toV.F.D., a village that adopts the orphans based on the aphorism,"it takes a village to raise a child." They uncover the whereaboutsof the Quagmires, but, as in the earlier books, they find neitherrespite nor peace from Count Olaf's machinations. Despite Snicket'sartful turning of clich?s on their well-worn heads



    Lemony Snicket雷蒙·斯尼奇 /2001-04-01 /HarperCollins

  •  A Series of Unfortunate Events #10: The Slippery Slope 雷蒙·斯尼

    A Series of Unfortunate Events #10: The Slippery Slope 雷蒙·斯尼

    What would you do if you found yourself trapped in a runawaycaravan hurtling down a precipitous mountain slope?Fourteen-year-old Violet, the oldest orphan of the threeBaudelaires, decides to try to slow the velocity of the caravanwith a drag-chute invention involving a viscous combination ofblackstrap molasses, maple syrup, maraschino liqueur, peanutbutter, etc. If plummeting to their death weren't scary enough,Violet and her brother Klaus have been separated from Sunny, theirbaby sister who is in a car headed in the opposite direction up themountain with the "facinorous" Count Olaf, his "villainous andstylish" girlfriend Esmé Squalor, and their creepy sidekicks. DoViolet and Klaus find Sunny on the mountain? How will they survivethe treacherous, snow-covered peaks with not much more than aukulele and a bread knife, especially in the face of the"organized, ill-tempered" snow gnats? Will they finally unearth themystery of the V.F.D.? Will they find out if one of their parentsis alive after all? The sus



    Lemony Snicket雷蒙·斯尼奇 /2003-09-01 /HarperCollins

  •  A Series of Unfortunate Events #8: The Hostile Hospital 雷蒙·斯

    A Series of Unfortunate Events #8: The Hostile Hospital 雷蒙·斯

    Dear Reader, Before you throw this awful book to the ground and run as far awayfrom it as possible, you should probably know why. This book is theonly one which describes every last detail of the Baudelairechildren's miserable stay at Heimlich Hospital, which makes it oneof the most dreadful books in the world. There are many pleasant things to read about, but this bookscontains none of them. Within its pages are such burdensome detailsas misleading newspaper headlines, unnecessary surgery, an intercomsystem, anesthesia, heart-shaped balloons, and some very startlingnews about such things. I have sworn to research this story, and to write it down as best Ican, so I should know that this book is something best left on theground, where you undoubtedly found it. With all due respect, Lemony Snicket



    Lemony Snicket雷蒙·斯尼奇 /2001-09-01 /HarperCollins

  •  A Series of Unfortunate Events #2: The Reptile Room 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不

    A Series of Unfortunate Events #2: The Reptile Room 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不



    Lemony Snicket雷蒙·斯尼奇 /1999-08-01 /HarperCollins
