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  •  Wolves in the Wall尼尔-盖曼《墙壁里的狼》ISBN9780380810956

    Wolves in the Wall尼尔-盖曼《墙壁里的狼》ISBN9780380810956

    Grade 2-4-Lucy hears sounds in her house and is certain that the "sneaking, creeping, crumpling" noises coming from inside the walls are wolves. Her parents and her brother know "if the wolves come out-, it's all over," and no one believes that the creatures are there-until they come out. Then the family flees, taking refuge outside. It is Lucy who bravely returns to rescue her pig puppet and who talks the others into forcing the animals to leave. Gaiman and McKean deftly pair text and illustrations to convey a strange, vivid story evolving from a child's worst, credible fear upon hearing a house creak and groan. Glowing eyes and expressive faces convey the imminent danger. This rather lengthy picture book displays the striking characteristics of a graphic novel: numerous four-panel pages opening into spreads that include painted people; scratchy ink-lined wolves; and photographed, computer-manipulated images. Children will delight in the "scary, creepy tone" and in the brave behavior displayed by the i



    Neil Gaiman尼尔·盖曼) 著 Dave McKean戴夫·麦基恩) 绘 /2006-07-01 /HarperCollins UK
