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  •  【预订】Advances in Rings and Modules 9781470435554

    【预订】Advances in Rings and Modules 9781470435554 美国库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781470435554 Author 作者 Sergio R. Lopez-Permouth Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 283页 Publisher 出版社 American Mathematical Society (AMS) Publication Date 出版日期 2018-09-06 Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 This volume, dedicated to Bruno J. Muller, a renowned algebraist, is a collection of papers that provide a snapshot of the diversity of themes and applications that interest algebraists today. The papers highlight the latest progress in ring and module research and present work done on the frontiers of the topics discussed. In addition, selected expository articles are included to give algebraists and other mathematicians, including graduate students, an accessible introduction to areas that may be outside their own expertise.



    Sergio R. Lopez-Permouth /2018-09-06 /American Mathematical Society (AMS)
