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Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780593750476 Author 作者 Grosset and Dunlap Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 64页 Publisher 出版社 Grosset & Dunlap Publication Date 出版日期 1800-01-01 Shipping Weight 商品重量 0.81磅 Language 语种 其它(含多语)
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From School Library Journal Grade 3-5-This accessible, accurate biography provides brief contextual information about the tribes in which Sacagawea lived, from her own people, the Shoshone, to her captors, the Minnetaree and Mandan. Since almost all that is known about her is from the journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition, this work necessarily focuses on that event and her part in it. Unfortunately, the black-and-white illustrations are dreadful. The cover borders on caricature and does nothing to invite interest or non-prejudicial awareness. The sketches of Lewis and Clark within the text are equally bad. Only those that detail specific material, such as a Shoshone tipi, Mandan lodge, or travois pass muster as good, informative, and text-enhancing. Another problem with the book is the lack of source information. David A. Adler's A Picture Book of Sacagawea (Holiday, 2000) is for younger students and Judith St. George's Sacagawea (Putnam, 1997), for older readers. Wait for a better choice to fill the
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If not for a stint in reform school, young Louis Armstrong might never have become a musician. It was a teacher at the Colored Waifsa Home who gave him a cornet, promoted him to band leader, and saw talent in the tough kid from the even tougher New Orleans neighborhood called Storyville. But it was Louis Armstrongas own passion and genius that pushed jazz into new and exciting realms with his amazing, improvisational trumpet playing. His seventy-year life spanned a critical time in American music as well as black history.
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A humorist, narrator, and social observer, Mark Twain is unsurpassed in American literature. Best known as the author of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," Mark Twain, not unlike his protagonist, Huck, has a restless spirit. He found adventure prospecting for silver in Nevada, navigating steamboats down the Mississippi, and making people laugh around the world. But Twain also had a serious streak and decried racism and injustice. His fascinating life is captured candidly in this enjoyable biography.
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现货 Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt? 谁是埃莉诺·罗斯福?
For a long time, the main role of First Ladies was to act as hostesses of the White House...until Eleanor Roosevelt. Born in 1884, Eleanor was not satisfied to just be a glorified hostess for her husband, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Eleanor had a voice, and she used it to speak up against poverty and racism. She had experience and knowledge of many issues, and fought for laws to help the less fortunate. She had passion, energy, and a way of speaking that made people listen, and she used these gifts to campaign for her husband and get him elected presidentafour times A fascinating historical figure in her own right, Eleanor Roosevelt changed the role of First Lady forever.
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