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  •  英文原版 马尔克斯:霍乱时期的爱情 Love in the Time of Cholera

    英文原版 马尔克斯:霍乱时期的爱情 Love in the Time of Cholera

    图书描述 In their youth, Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza fall passionately in love. When Fermina eventually chooses to marry a wealthy, well-born doctor, Florentino is devastated, but he is a romantic. As he rises in his business career he whiles away the years in 622 affairs yet he reserves his heart for Fermina. Her husband dies at last, and Florentino purposefully attends the funeral. Fifty years, nine months, and four days after he first declared his love for Fermina, he will do so again. 这是一部在《百年孤独》作者加西亚.马尔克思的妙笔之下诞生的爱情史诗。费洛伦蒂纳与费尔米纳坠入爱河,他们之间的爱情炙热,却注定有始无终。费尔米纳*终嫁给了富有的事故的胡维纳尔 乌尔比诺医生。费尔米纳与丈夫的坚持下移居巴黎,*终又回到故乡。费洛伦蒂纳一路打拼,成为了一名富有的船商。半个世纪后二人再次相遇,流年辗转,不变的是费洛伦蒂纳对费




    Garc-AMrquez,Gabriel /2007-10-01 /Vintage
