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Tuesdays with Morrie:An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Gre
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相约星期二 十四堂星期二的课 米奇·阿尔博姆 英文原版 人生哲学 平装 Tuesdays with Morrie
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《相约星期二》是一堂难得的人生课,作者米奇 阿尔博姆用他从老教授莫里那儿学到的一切,触动了无数读者的内心。更难得的是,这是一本永远不会太迟打开的作品,无论你处在人生的哪个阶段,都能在这堂课里找到想要的答案。它的同名改编话剧让超过20万观众感动落泪,还曾登上《朗读者》的舞台。本次特别收录20周年纪念版后记,作者新版文集也将在4月底同步上市,让我们在阅读中放慢生活的步调,体味平凡人生中微小却珍贵的温暖与守候。
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Tuesdays with Morrie:An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Gre
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相约星期二英文版 Tuesdays with Morrie 经典小说
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现货 相约星期二 十四堂星期二的课 米奇·阿尔博姆 英文原版 人生哲学 平装 Tuesdays with Morrie
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Tuesdays with Morrie 相约星期二 英文原版进口十四堂星期二的课小说 外国当代文学 米奇·阿尔博姆 英
" Mitch Albom' s book is a gift to mankind." --"The PhiladelphiaInquirer" " A wonderful book, a story of the heart told by a writer withsoul." --"Los Angeles Times" " An elegantly simple story about a writer getting a second chanceto discover life through the death of a friend." --"TampaTribune" " An extraordinary contribution to the literature of death." "--TheBoston Globe" " This is a true story that shines and leaves you forever warmed byits afterglow." --Amy Tan " Every page of this beautiful, moving little book shines with thewarmth of unembarrassed love." --Rabbi Harold Kushner " One of those books that kind of sneaked up and grabbed people' shearts over time." "--Milwaukee Journal Sentinel" " The book is an incredible treasure." --Bernie Siegel, M.D.
作者介绍:Mitch Albom Mitch Albom writes for the Detroit Free Press, and has been voted America's No. 1 sports columnist ten times by the Associated Press Sports Editors. Albom, a former professional musician, hosts a daily radio show on WJR in Detroit and appears regularly on ESPN's "The Sports Reporters." He is the author of Bo and Fab Five, both national bestsellers, and has also published four collections of his columns. He lives with his wife, Janine, in Michigan. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. "This is a sweet book of a man's love for his mentor. It has a stubborn honesty that nourishes the living." ——Robert Bly, author of Iron John "A deeply moving account of courage and wisdom, shared by an inveterate mentor looking into the multitextured face of his own death. There is much to be learned by sitting in on this final class." ——Jon Kabat-Zinn, coauthor of Everyday Blessings and Wherever You Go, There You Are "All of the saints and Budd
Tuesdays With Morrie Export A 相约星期二
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780751527377 Author 作者 米奇·阿尔博姆 (Mitch Aibom) Format 版本 平装 Pages Number 页数 208页 Publisher 出版社 Time Warner Paperbacks;Export ed Publication Date 出版日期 1998年12月1日 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 10.8 x 1.6 x 17.8 cm Shipping Weight 商品重量 127 g Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher, or acolleague. Someone older, patient and wise, whounderstood you when you were young and searching, helped you seethe world as a more profound place, gave you sound advice to helpyou make your way through it. For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his collegeprofessor from nearly twenty years ago. Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made yourway, and the insights faded, and the world seemedcolder. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, askthe bigger questions that still haunt you