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【预订】The Trojan Horse Y9780615192666 美国库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!
【预订】The Trojan Horse 美国库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!
The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won the War 9780394896748
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780394896748 Author 作者 LITTLE Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 48页 Publisher 出版社 Random House BFYR Publication Date 出版日期 1988-11-08 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 22.7 x 15.1 x 0.4 cm Shipping Weight 商品重量 0.1 kg Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 Illus. in full color. "An ancient history lesson emerges from this account of the way the Greeks tricked the Trojans and rescued Helen of Troy. The book is well tailored to younger readers with careful explanations and short sentences; a pronunciation guide is appended. Drawings por
【预订】The Trojan Horse 9781472507389 国外库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781472507389 Author 作者 Deborah Philips Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 288页 Publisher 出版社 Bloomsbury Academic Publication Date 出版日期 2013-08-15 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 0.00 x 0.00 x 0.00 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 The Trojan Horse traces the growth of commercial sponsorship in the public sphere since the 1960s, its growing importance for the arts since 1980 and its spread into areas such as education and health. The authors’ central argument is that the image of sponsorship as corporate benevolence has served to routinize and legitimate the presence of commerce within the public sector. The central metaphor is of such sponsorship as a Trojan Horse helping to facilitate the hollowing out of the public sector by private agencies and private finance.The authors place the study in the context of the more general c
【预订】The Trojan Horse and Other Stories 9781009411387 国外库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781009411387 Author 作者 Julia Kindt Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 380页 Publisher 出版社 Cambridge University Press Publication Date 出版日期 2024-01-01 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 229x152mm Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 What makes us human What, if anything, sets us apart from all other creatures? Ever since Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, the answer to these questions has pointed to our own intrinsic animal nature. Yet the idea that, in one way or another, our humanity is entangled with the non-human has a much longer and more venerable history. In the West, it goes all the way back to classical antiquity. This grippingly written and provocative book boldly reveals how the ancient world mobilised concepts of ’the animal’ and ’animality’ to conceive of the human in a variety of illuminating ways. Through ten
【预订】Return of the Trojan Horse 9781551642543 国外库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781551642543 Author 作者 Harrison Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 346页 Publisher 出版社 *USCHP00 Publication Date 出版日期 2005-05-19 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 9.04 x 6.12 x 0.76 Shipping Weight 商品重量 1.09 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 A Right-wing populist, in an oil-rich province, Ralph Klein has been a one-man wrecking crew, dismantling Alberta’s public sector and remaking the province into a freewheeling, capitalist paradise. This book re-examines Klein’s Alberta after a decade of deficit-slashing, tax--cutting -conservatism. First elected in 1993 on a platform of "common sense revolution," a decade later Ralph Klein’s Conservative party remains in power, but the gloss is off its "revolution." Deficits and debt have been eliminated, but new problems and
【预订】The Shadow of the Trojan Horse 预订商品,平装,按需印刷,需要1-3个月发货,非质量问题不接受退换货。
Step Into Reading 5 - The Trojan Horse How the Greeks Won th
【预订】The American Trojan Horse: U.S. Television Confronts Can 预订商品,按需印刷,需要1-3个月发货,非质量问题不接受退换货。
预订 Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won the Trojan War: 97815306 国外库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货
英文原版 Step Into Reading 5 - The Trojan Horse How the Greeks W
【预订】Energy Odyssey: The Hubbert Trojan Horse Scenario 978163 国外库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781636482521 Author 作者 Reynolds Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 416页 Publisher 出版社 Eliva Press Publication Date 出版日期 1800-01-01 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 9.00 x 6.00 x 0.85 Shipping Weight 商品重量 1.22磅 Language 语种 其它(含多语)
预订 Energy Odyssey: The Hubbert Trojan Horse Scenario 英文原版 [I 【全球购】进口原版图书,约5-8周到达国内后发出
【预订】The Trojan Horse: The Fall of Troy: A Greek Legend 美国库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!
【中商原版】Step into Reading Step 5 Trojan Horse How The Greeks 兰
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海外直订The Trojan Horse: A Modern Graphic Greek Myth 特洛伊木马:一个现代
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海外直订The B.Y.T.C.H. Book: The BYTCH ( Building Your Trojan Cr
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【预订】The Trojan Horse: The Fall of Troy [a Greek Myth] 预订商品,平装,需要1-3个月发货,非质量问题不接受退换货。
【预订】The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won the War 预订商品,需要1-3个月发货,非质量问题不接受退换货。
【预订】A Story of Ambition in 50 Hoaxes: From the Trojan Horse 预订商品,平装,需要1-3个月发货,非质量问题不接受退换货。
【预订】Surprise, Trojans! The Story of the Trojan Horse 预订商品,精装,需要1-3个月发货,非质量问题不接受退换货。
预订Project X Origins: Grey Book Band, Oxford Level 12: Myths 预订,预计下单后2-3周左右发货!
木马计 兰登step into reading 5阶英文原版 The Trojan Horse