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  •  【预订】Far Apart, Close in Heart 9780807512753

    【预订】Far Apart, Close in Heart 9780807512753 美国库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780807512753 Author 作者 Becky Birtha Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 32页 Publication Date 出版日期 2017-01-01 Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 Children can experience many emotions when a parent is in jail or prison. They may be angry, sad, lonely, or scared. Sometimes friends act differently toward them. Sometimes the children begin acting differently too. In this important book, young readers will learn that even when it feels like nothing can get better again, there are ways they can improve their circumstances. Sending letters, talking to a trusted grown-up about their feelings, and even visiting a parent in jail or prison can help keep a parent close in their hearts. Use this title as a helpful tool to start a conversation with any child in this situation and to remind them they are not alone.



    Becky Birtha /2017-01-01 /暂无出版社信息

  •  【预订】Grandmama’s Pride 9780807530221

    【预订】Grandmama’s Pride 9780807530221 美国库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780807530221 Author 作者 Becky Birtha Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 32页 Publication Date 出版日期 2016-11-01 Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 Six-year-old Sarah Marie, her mother, and her little sister travel down south to visit Grandmama in the summer of 1956. Grandmama makes every effort to shield her granddaughters from the prejudice that still plagues her town. But as Sarah Marie learns to read, she notices Grandmama’s town is filled with signs and rules that she’s never understood before. As Sarah Marie tries to make sense of the world around her, she’s left wondering if life in the South will ever change.



    Becky Birtha /2016-11-01 /暂无出版社信息
