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  •  Mini Shopaholic

    Mini Shopaholic

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780593059807 Author 作者 Sophie Kinsella Format 版本 平装 Pages Number 页数 392页 Publisher 出版社 Bantam Press; Airports / Ireland / Export and Waterstones ed Publication Date 出版日期 2010年9月1日 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 22.8 x 15.2 x 3 cm Language 语种 英语 Editorial Reviews 编辑推荐 From Publishers Weekly In the latest installment to the wildly popular Shopaholic series (Shopaholic and Baby; etc.), Rebecca Brandon returns with willful two-year-old Minnie, who has taken after her mother in her fierce determination and her addiction to luxury brands. When the financial crisis finally hits the Brandon family, Rebecca vows to stop shopping until she s worn everything in her closet at least three times; Luke scrambles for new business directions; and Minnie remains exceptionally dif



    Sophie Kinsella /1988-08-08 /Bantam Press; Airports /Ireland / Export and Water
