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  •  【预订】Cissp Exam Prep Questions, Answers & Explanations: 1000+

    【预订】Cissp Exam Prep Questions, Answers & Explanations: 1000+ 美国库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!

    Countless time and money is spent preparing for the CISSP certification exam. So why aren't students laser-focused on taking practice exams before attempting the real thing? Based on the official CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) and the ten CBK domains, the practice exams in this book are designed to help students adjust to the pace, subject matter, and difficulty of the real CISSP exam. Geared towards anyone preparing for the exam, all tests include clear solutions to help you understand core CISSP concepts. If you plan on passing the CISSP certification exam, it's time to test your knowledge. It's time for CISSP Exam Prep Questions, Answers, and Explanations. Now packed with Over 1,000 realistic CISSP sample questions to help you pass the exam on your FIRST try. In this book: 1000 detailed CISSP exam practice questions including 19 condensed CISSP mock exams that can be completed in one hour; 12 Targeted CISSP Domain Area tests, and detailed solution sets for all CISSP questions which include clear ex




    Logic Ssi Logic,SsiLogic /2010-05-27 /Ssi Logic
