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  •  【预订】Terra and Silva in the Pannonian Plain 9781841719931

    【预订】Terra and Silva in the Pannonian Plain 9781841719931 国外库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货!

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781841719931 Author 作者 Ksenija Borojevic Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 191页 Publisher 出版社 British Archaeological Reports(BAR Publishing) Publication Date 出版日期 2006-11-15 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 This work is a study of plant macro remains from the Late Neolithic site of Opovo. Opovo is dated from 4700 to 4500 B.C., and culturally to the late phase of the Vinca culture, which is considered one of the most prominent Neolithic cultures of the Balkans. The Opovo site is located on the southern edge of the Pannonian Plain, in the Banat region, part of the modern province of Voyvodina in Serbia. The site of Opovo was excavated (1983–1989) by an international archaeological team from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, and from the University of California. Through analysis of plant macro remains from the Opovo site, t



    Ksenija Borojevic /2006-11-15 /British Archaeological Reports(BAR Publishing)
