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  •  新托福考试专项进阶:高级听力 [美] 萨伦(Salle.G.D.L.),[美] 斯沃尼(Swaney.J.C 群言出版社

    新托福考试专项进阶:高级听力 [美] 萨伦(Salle.G.D.L.),[美] 斯沃尼(Swaney.J.C 群言出版社

    How to Master Skills for the TOEFL iBT Listening Advanced is designed to be used either as a textbook for a TOEFL iBT listening preparatioCOUISC or as a tool for individual learners who are preparing for the test otheir own.With a total of 8 units,this book is organized to prepare students for the test with a comprehensive understanding of the test and a thorough analysis of every questiotype.Each unit provides a step-by-step program that includes question- solving strategies and the development of test taking abilities. Special Features: Intensive practice of all the questiotypes othe TOEFL iBT Graded listening passages with various topics that frequently appear othe TOEFL iBT Glossed vocabulary to help students understand the passages better Well-organized notes to show the structures and maipoints of the passages To-the-point practice to build summary skills Integrated listening and speaking activities Eight practice tests and two complete te

    ¥14.40定价:¥45.00 (3.2折)



    [美] 萨伦Salle.G.D.L.),[美] 斯沃尼Swaney.J.C /2009-09-01 /群言出版社
