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  •  Only Time Will Tell 时间会说明一切 9780230748224

    Only Time Will Tell 时间会说明一切 9780230748224

    From : CHINADAILY EUROPEAN WEEKLY A TWIST IN THE TALE AUTHORJEFFREY ARCHER WANTS TO ADD CHINESE TO HIS GROWING NUMBER OFREADERS ByANDREW MOODY J effreyArcher, one of the world’s most prolific best-selling authors, iskeen to conquer China. The most populous country is one of the few markets where the71-year-old author is not a house?hold name. His most successful book Kane and Abel ,which has sold 33 million copies worldwide and is now on its 84threprint, however, has just been translated into Chinese and will bepublished by local publisher Tian?jin Huawen Tianxia Publishing inChina in August. “I will love having a crack at China. I definitely want to get inon that market,” he says. Archer was sprawled out on a luxurious sofa at his famouspent?house London home overlooking the Thames with a panoramic viewof the Houses of Parliament in the near distance. If there were any doubt about the wealth that can be created byselling so many books, it would be dispelled b


    Jeffrey Archer /2011-05-01 /人民出版社
