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    la page Mariah Stewart d Amazon /2010-01-01 /Random House US

  •  狂暴 Savage Rage

    狂暴 Savage Rage

    作者简介: GASSIE EDWARDS,Having always loved history, Cassie immediately became hooked on reading the historical romances friends lent her, which one day led her to write her own. Cassie can now say she has written one hundred books, most of which are Indian romances. They have appeared on bestseller lists all across the country, including the New York Times list. She has also won the Romantic Times Lifetime Achievement Award. Cassie lives in Mattoon, Illinois, in a lovely plan-tation home, with her husband, Charlie. They have two grown sons, Charles and Brian, and three adorable grandchildren. Cassie plans to write many more Indian romances for Leisure Books, for whom she exclusively writes her popular Savage series.


    Amazon.com.Savage Rage (Savage).Cassie Edwards.Books /2007-05-01 /Oversea Publishing House
