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  •  领导梯队:*打造领导力驱动型公司(原书第2版)(珍藏版)


    领导力发展的圣经 领导梯队模型已经在全球500强企业中普遍应用,是企业制定领导人才继任计划和培养各级领导人才的路径指南


    (美)拉姆·查兰(Ram Charan);(美)斯蒂芬·德罗特(Stephen Drotter); /机械工业出版社

  •  领导梯队:*打造领导力驱动型公司(原书第2版)


    《领导梯队:*打造领导力驱动型公司(原书第2版)》编辑推荐:当21世纪的新经济时代,全球经济格局、经济增长模式、全球化人才标准、领导者角色和工作内容都在发生根本性的改变,构建适应动态商业环境的领导力发展体系,打造领导人才培养的流水线,成为企业基业长青的关键。企业正从市场驱动型成长、创新驱动型成长发展到领导力驱动型成长。 本书的鲜明特点是: 领导力开发的系统模式 绩效提升的行动指南 继任计划的全新方法 教练辅导的强大支持 职业发展的权威宝典 领导者的每一次晋升,都需要在以下三方面实现转型:领导技能——培养胜任新职务所需要的新能力,提升领导力;时间管理——重新配置时间精力资源,决定如何*工作;工作理念——更新工作理念和价值观,让工作聚焦重点。


    (美)拉姆·查兰(Ram Charan);斯蒂芬·德罗特(Stephen Drotter);詹姆斯·诺埃尔({ /2011-07-01 /机械工业出版社

  •  The Leadership Pipeline: How To Build The Leadership-Powered

    The Leadership Pipeline: How To Build The Leadership-Powered

    One of management's biggest challenges is finding new leaders,and one of the questions that arises in this quest is whether tobring in "new blood" and fresh ideas or take advantage of"home-grown" experts already acclimated to an organization'scorporate culture. The current labor shortage and a greaterwillingness by younger workers to change jobs have only added tothis challenge. Recent books such as High Flyers: Developing theNext Generation of Leaders (1998) and Hidden Value: How GreatCompanies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People [BKLAg 00] have weighed in on the side of "growing your own," and nowCharan and his coauthors add their support. Charan is a "leadershipcoach" and has written extensively for academic and popularbusiness journals. He and two fellow consultants describe thenatural hierarchy of work that exists in most organizations, whichtakes the form of six career passages that the authors call the"leadership pipeline." For leaders to progress, they must beworking within each



    Ram Charan,(拉姆·查兰),Stephen Drotter,({ /2010-12-01 /Wiley
