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  •  Narrow Escapes

    Narrow Escapes

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781557787927 Author 作者 Samuel P. Oliner Format 版本 平装 Pages Number 页数 240页 Publisher 出版社 Paragon House Publishers;2nd Publication Date 出版日期 2000年11月27日 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 15 x 1.5 x 23 cm Shipping Weight 商品重量 318 g Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 Narrow escapes defines Samuel Oliner's life in more ways thanone. Not only is he a Holocaust survivor who barely eluded thegenocidal "Final Solution" that Nazi Germany unleashed on theEuropean Jews during the Second World War, but Oliner is also aground-breaking Holocaust scholar who has focused attention on therescuers - small in number but immensely significant nonetheless -who risked their lives to give Jews narrow life-saving escapesduring those dark times. Oliner's personal experience of theHolocaust produced memories that have never left him. Oliner'ssignificant epilogue in



    Samuel P. Oliner /1988-08-08 /Paragon House Publishers;2nd
