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  •  The King Betrayed国王背叛

    The King Betrayed国王背叛

    作者简介: First of all, my thanks to all of you who have read THE PEARLS and are now clamoring for its sequel THE CROWN. I'm delighted that you've enjoyed reading about Shadrael and Lea. I wish I could tell you that the second volume of their story will be available soon, but it won't be published until late 2008. Some of you may be considering reading THE PEARLS but hesitating because you think you have to read THE RUBY THRONE trilogy first. You don't. Although some events that took place in these earlier novels are alluded to, you can certainly follow the plot in THE PEARLS on its own. Naturally I would be thrilled if everyone went out and found the older books, but although you'll find Lea in them, Shadrael isn't there.


    Deborah Chester /2003-11-01
