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全部 >图书>英文原版书>小说 Fiction > Where Is Walt Disney World
  •  英文原版 迪士尼乐园在哪?Where Is Walt Disney World? 中小学生读物 Who Was/Is 系

    英文原版 迪士尼乐园在哪?Where Is Walt Disney World? 中小学生读物 Who Was/Is

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780515158434 Author 作者 Holub, Joan Pages Number 页数 112页 Publisher 出版社 Penguin Workshop Publication Date 出版日期 20180522 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 7.1 x 0.7 x 19.4 cm Shipping Weight 商品重量 127 Book Description 内容简介 Building the most magical place on earth was no fairy tale. Learn the story behind the creation of Walt Disney World. In 1964, when Walt Disney and his brother Roy decided to build a second theme park in the Florida swamplands, they kept it super hush-hush. Why? Well, if word got out that they planned to buy up lots of land, the price would have skyrocketed. So the Disneys cleverly covered up their trail, avoiding the Orlando airport and even using made-up names, like Walt and Roy Davis, for their flights. The deception worked. In covering the history of the Most Magical Place On Eart




    Holub, Joan(作者) /2018-05-22 /Penguin Workshop
