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  •  I Would Tuck You In

    I Would Tuck You In

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781570619441 Author 作者 Sarah Asper-Smith, Mitchell Watley Pages Number 页数 11页 Publisher 出版社 Little Bigfoot Publication Date 出版日期 2014年10月14日 Language 语种 英文 Book Description 内容简介 Perfect for fans of The Runaway Bunny , this children s bedtime story is filled with baby animals and their mothers: an otter tucks her little one into a kelp forest bed; a family of brown bears snuggle all through the winter; a humpback whale sings a song to soothe her calf. Lovingly illustrated and lyrically written, I Would Tuck You In is written and illustrated by husband-and-wife author and artist team Mitchell Watley and Sarah Asper-Smith.




    Asper-Smith, Sarah /1988-08-08 /Little Bigfoot
