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  •  Je, Tu, Nous 不同文化 (妇女母性、堕胎与艾滋病危机等经历探索) ISBN 9780415771986

    Je, Tu, Nous 不同文化 (妇女母性、堕胎与艾滋病危机等经历探索) ISBN 9780415771986

    Luce Irigaray,Je, Tu, Nous,"Luce Irigaray's works ... make a powerful contribution to feminist scholarship in philosophy, political theory, psychoanalysis, linguistics and poetics.Theorists of sexual difference will find a serious and subtle challenge in Irigaray's latest provocations." Judith Butler A passionate celebrator of "sexual difference," Luce Irigaray was never simply after the social equality that her generation so publicly demanded. She was seeking more fundamentally a society that celebrated the differences between the genders and their coming together in a union without hierarchy. As she formulates it in this compellingly readable introduction to her own thought, Irigaray is writing about how "t" and "You" become "We." Exploring along the way women's experiences of motherhood, abortion, the AIDS crisis and the beauty industry, this book presents one of the most important thinkers of our day in her own words. Luce Irigaray (1930-). A crucial theorist of the "ecriture feminine," I


    Luce Irigarary /2007-02-01 /Taylor and Francis
