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  •  Aussie Rules for Dummies, 2nd Edition澳大利亚统治傻瓜书

    Aussie Rules for Dummies, 2nd Edition澳大利亚统治傻瓜书

    作者简介:Jim Main is one of Australia's best-known sports writers and is a noted football historian. He abandoned a law degree course at the University of Melbourne for his preferred career of journalism, but later graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in hi'story) from La Trobe University. Although Jim spent his formative years in journalism as a general reporter and subeditor, he eventually gravitated to sports writing. After working on the Melbourne Herald, he moved to England and worked on London's Daily Express from 1970 to 1971. During this time he was granted leave of absence to cover the 1970 Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh for the News Limited group. Soon after his return to Australia, Jim won a Walkley Award (Australian journalism's most prestigious award) and moved to sports writing in general, and the Aussie Rules scene in particular. Jim went on to serve as Melbourne sports editor of the Australian for more than a decade, while simultaneously pursuing a freelance career, produc


    Jim Main /2008-02-01 /Thames&Hudson
