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  •  Geisha in Rivalry 竞争中的艺妓 (ISBN=9780804833240)

    Geisha in Rivalry 竞争中的艺妓 (ISBN=9780804833240)

    "Geisha in Rivalry, " first published in 1918, is setagainst the backdrop of Tokyo's Shimbashi geisha district. Thestory of three geisha, imperious Rikiji, gaudy Kikuchiyo, and thenalve heroine Komayo, "Geisha in Rivalry" follows them in theirsearch for a place in a world that offers no easy route of escapefrom their profession. With a full cast of vivid characters playingout their dramas of illicit love, shady intrigue and unrelentingrivalry, "Geisha in Rivalry" is the sordid but fascinating tale ofKomayo, her lovers, and the women who conspire to steal them fromher.



    Kafu NagaiShin MishoKurtMeissner /2006-08-01 /Berkley Books
