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  •  新时代儿童获奖大系精选朗读版第三辑(套装共5册)


    新时代儿童文学获奖大系 (朗读版) 代表新时代原创儿童文学水平 中小学生大奖经典 ★ 超高水平,严选作家创作阵容 集结沈石溪、彭学军、李东华、郭姜燕、祁智等实力作家阵容,严苛选材 多维视角 文本深度,有限时间带给孩子更高的阅读质量。 ★ 大奖云集,汇聚作家水平大奖新作 所选图书不仅荣获中国好书、 五个一工程 奖、全国优秀儿童文学奖、陈伯吹儿童文学奖、冰心儿童图书奖等多项重要大奖,也是受亿万家庭检验的口碑佳作,图书品质双重认证。 ★ 主题丰富,不同角度帮助孩子理解成长的完整意义 所选作品跨越时空,主题各异,覆盖成长的各个方面,从不同角度引导孩子认知自我、社会、国家、时代,帮助他们解答成长烦恼,树立正确的人生观、价值观。 ★ 多种体裁,帮助孩子搭建科学合理的阅读结构 所选作品涵盖童话、小说、

    ¥146.30定价:¥154.00 (9.5折)


    沈石溪郭姜燕李东华彭学军祁智 /2023-06-26 /天天出版社有限责任公司

  •  中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:*王(英文版)


    This series collects representative works of ten famous chinese children's literature writers.Some of which have won nominations for hans christian and ersen award.All of their works are fairytales and stories for chinese children.There are relationships between love and happiness.Reality and fantasy. Humans and nature.In these works every child will find his/her own story.Which will tell them how to face difficulties,how to hold on to their dreams,and every trouble they might have while growing up.Reading these witty and vibrant stories.You will understand chinese children and their world of fantasy.

    ¥26.40定价:¥88.00 (3折)



    沈石溪李海燕 绘;王国振 /2013-03-01 /海豚出版社

  •  野猪王 沈石溪 著,李海燕 绘,王国振 译【正版保证】.

    野猪王 沈石溪 著,李海燕 绘,王国振 译【正版保证】. 全国三仓发货,物流便捷,下单秒杀,欢迎选购!

    This series collects representative works of tefamous chinese children's literature writers.Some of which have wonominations for hans christiaand erseaward.All of their works are fairytales and stories for chinese children.There are relationshipetweelove and happiness.Reality and fantasy. Humans and nature.Ithese works every child will find his/her owstory.Which will tell them how to face difficulties,how to hold oto their dreams,and every trouble they might have while growing up.Reading these witty and vibrant stories.You will understand chinese childreand their world of fantasy.

    ¥21.90定价:¥162.96 (1.35折)


    沈石溪 著,李海燕 绘,王国振 /2013-03-01 /海豚出版社
